Cedar Creek, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering: what is the population & stites of Cedar Creek City. The city has a population of 394 people and the median household income is $64,375. You can find out more by reading this article. You will be surprised to learn that the city is home to a high percentage of small homes. The median house size in Cedar Creek is only 76 square feet.

The City Center neighborhood is situated along the inlet and bay, and is densely populated. Many residents are employed in sales or service occupations, from fast food restaurants to major accounts. Labor and manufacturing occupations comprise the next two largest occupational groups, with only 10.8% and 2.5%, respectively, representing professional and clerical occupations. Most residents speak English. This makes the city a great place to raise a family.

The racial makeup of the city is changing, and the city is now majority white for the first time since the 1970 census. The 2000 census showed a very low white population. In Cedar Park, Allison's house, once valued at $150,000, was bought by an investor who restored it to its former glory. Allison sold it for $445,000 last year. She has lived in Cedar Park since her childhood, and she's a proud resident of the city.

The city's first school was near Vic Stoehr's home, and Hattie Holmes taught there for several terms. August Schneider moved the old school building from the original town to Cedar Creek and it became a hardware and drug store and a Ladies Aid Building. The town had a schoolhouse in 1897, two teachers, and 61 students by 1962. The school closed in 1962. Today, children in Cedar Creek attend the Louisville Public Schools.