Christoval, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the Population & Steets in Christsoval City, TX, you will need to take a few statistics into account. In Christoval TX, there are about 354 residents and 36.4% of them are male and the rest are female. In comparison, the national average is 49.2% to 50.3%. Also, there are 0.0% people of mixed race.

A housing unit is any structure used for habitation. A housing unit is a house, apartment, mobile home, room, or any other type of structure that can accommodate a person. The percentage of renter-occupied housing units in Christoval is 24.0%, which is lower than other nearby cities. The city also has a lower percentage of renter-occupied housing units than neighboring cities such as Anson and Big Lake.

Christoval is home to Christoval Winery, which opened in 2010. This winery is located on scenic land along the South Concho River. It has a wine-tasting room that's open to the public and hosts local meetings. The population of Christoval is approximately four hundred and eighty. There are 93 households and 55 families. These statistics may not be the most up-to-date, but they will give you a better idea of the local community.

The CDP's population is divided into two age groups: those who are under 18 and those who are between 25 and 64. The older generation tends to vote more conservatively, while the younger generations tend to vote for democratic candidates. Christoval's median age is 47 years, a little older than the national average of 38.1. Local elections are weighted according to the importance of each seat.