Claude, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will discuss the Population & Steets in a small town in Texas. You will also learn the employment statistics of Claude. The number of people living below the poverty line is based on Census data, tagged to residential addresses. Compared to neighboring towns and cities, the Claude, TX poverty rate is lower than the national average. Here are the details of the racial and ethnic breakdown of the city.

The population of Claude City, Texas is 124.1% white, 0.8% black, and 0.01% Asian. Hispanic people make up 7.4% of the population. The median household income is $46,333 and the average household income is $55,356. Claude, TX is home to a high school graduation rate of 68%. As you can see, Claude, Texas has many potential residents.

The town was originally named Armstrong City, after a ranch on the courthouse square. The city was later renamed to Claude after Claude Ayers, an engineer for the Fort Worth and Denver Railway. In 1951, a new jail was built in Claude from the stone of the former jail. Claude's population is now 1,300. The town was also the home of the first Boy Scout troop (17) west of the Mississippi.

The city's history is dotted with important places. Claude Treme had a large plantation in Claude City, which was later subdivided by Julie Moreau. Later, the area was home to many famous people, including Louis Prima. Today, a small portion of the Treme neighborhood is not included in the census, but in the 2010 census, there were 8,853 people.