Coahoma, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a summary of population and steets data in Coahoma City, Alabama. This data is based on the 2010 census, which showed that the population was 817 people. In addition, the area has a low poverty rate, which is just under 10%. But there is still a lot to know about the area and its residents. Here are some of the most interesting facts about Coahoma.

The population of Coahoma is 960 people. The median home value in this city is $125,100, with 51% of residents working in white-collar jobs. Coahoma is a small town, with a diverse population. However, it has a very low crime rate. The median home value in Coahoma is $125,100, which is about average for the area.

Coahoma City is home to approximately 941 people. The city has 571 households. The average home value in Coahoma is $52,444. The average household size is 2.53, and the percentage of residents who attended high school is 76%. The area has a high percentage of college graduates. However, only 6% completed a master's degree, and 2% of people obtained a professional degree.

The town has a full-time municipal fire department. Its firefighters are Class 5 in the State and have three (3) stations. Its police force has 42 full-time policemen. The city also has a police department. A crime rate of less than 5% may indicate a declining economy. There are no evictions in Coahoma City. Its racial makeup is similar to that of the surrounding areas.