Corrigan, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are thinking about moving to Corrigan, Texas, you may want to know the population & steets of the city. Corrigan has a total population of 1,702 people, with a growth rate of 4.2% since 2020. The median home price is $74,600, and home appreciation over the last ten years is 8.8%. You can learn more about the demographics of Corrigan by looking at the data below.

The median age in Corrigan, TX is 35.2 years old, and the percentage of homeownership is 43.9%. The median home value is $80,500, and the average household income is $36,406 per year. Corrigan is a predominantly White town, with only 2% of residents being non-Hispanic. There are approximately 2.3k residents living in Corrigan, TX.

The corresponding Census Bureau data indicates that 32.1% of Corrigan's residents live below the poverty line. The child poverty rate is 45.9%. Nonetheless, more than half of Corrigan's residents are in the labor force. Eighty-one percent of Corrigan residents have at least a high school degree. And nine percent of Corrigan's population has a bachelor's degree, with just over four percent completing graduate and professional degrees.

Corrigan recruited priests from Italy, such as the Scalabrinians and Pious Society of St. Charles. A Missionary Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was formed under Mother Francis Xavier Cabrini, who opened Columbus Hospital in 1892. The hospital is now known as Cabrini Medical Center. In addition to the priests and lay people, Corrigan was the birthplace of John M. Cardinal Farley, the archbishop of New York from 1902-18, the last Irish-born prelates.