Daingerfield, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a trip to the area, you might be curious to learn about the population and steets of Daingerfield City, TX. To find out, use this interactive map. You can also narrow your search by determining the minimum and maximum population levels. The map will then highlight the closest towns and cities by colour. If you'd prefer a more detailed view, you can upgrade your search to see the population data for towns and cities up to four hours' drive from Daingerfield City.

The city has a population density of 1,366 per square mile. It is larger than the state's average of 1,006 per square mile. The median age of residents is 32.9, and the median household income is $11,217. Daingerfield is part of a large metropolitan area, which means that it is home to many families. Residents are evenly distributed across all ages.

The 2010 census recorded a population of 2,560 people. The population of Daingerfield is expected to grow to 2,393 by 2020. The city is located in Morris county. Residents are primarily white, with a minority of African Americans and Hispanics. There are also two universities in the area, which is not uncommon. Daingerfield is one of the most diverse cities in Texas.