Diboll, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

According to the census Bureau, the population of Diboll City is about 90% U.S. citizens. Its median home value is $84,100, and the homeownership rate is about 67.3%. Most people in the city commute by car, and the average commute time is 25 minutes. The average number of vehicles per household is two.

The percentage of foreign-born residents in Diboll is relatively low, at 19.8%. Its median age is 44.5. This figure is higher than the state and national averages. The city has a large number of people who served in the military. Those who served in Vietnam are a significant portion of the city's population, and the percentages are rising.

The majority of residents of Diboll commute to work by car. However, there are some people who walk or bike to work instead of driving. However, this data is based on the most recent census, and may not reflect current trends. The US Census Bureau does not guarantee the accuracy of its data.

In 2020, the population of Diboll was 5.21k, down from 5.266 in 2010. The median home value increased from $38,750 in 2010 to $42,475 in 2020. Its racial makeup includes a significant number of African-Americans. The city's population is also about one-third to half Hispanic, with a white population of around 66.8%.