Enochs, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Enots City is listed below. You can also get a feel for other demographics in Enochs City by checking the Census Bureau. The current population of Enochs is 6,738 people, which is a growth of 0.72% from the year before. The median household income in Enoch, UT is $56,546 and is comprised of mostly White people. Hispanics make up 8.4% of the population.

The population of Enochs City is 7,585. The median home price is $290,700. Home appreciation over the last ten years has been 12.4%. The population is diverse enough to attract a wide variety of demographics and lifestyles. If you're looking for a new home, consider living in Enochs City! The community is close to many other great Utahn cities and state parks.

The population in Enochs City is a mix of young and old. A total of 958 households are made up of families, with 41% of the households being under 18 years old. The rest of the households are married couples or non-families. Two percent of the population lives alone. The median age is 24 years old. Males outnumber females in Enochs City. The ratio of males to females over 18 years old is 95.4:100.

The per capita income in Enoch is $14,424, lower than the national average of $20,555. The median gross rent is $886 per month. Compared to Utah, Enoch is more affordable than neighboring cities, with a median income of $15,777. It is also a growing economy with a future job growth rate of 51.5%. For this reason, it's important to check the Enoch Tax Rates and compare them to the rates in other cities to see how much they affect the cost of living.