Groom, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking at the population of Groom, Texas, you may be surprised to find out that most of the residents are white. However, a small percentage of people identify as black or American Indian. Twenty-eight percent of the population of Groom is Hispanic. Only two percent of the Groom population is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. As far as race is concerned, Groom is quite typical for its size.

The population of Groom Texas is five hundred and forty-seven. The population density is 671 people per square mile, which puts Groom at the middle of its peer cities in terms of density. Claude, on the other hand, has a higher density than Groom. This means that Groom has a high proportion of retirees and a small proportion of youth. Regardless of the reason for the low population density, Groom is still the #1 place to live for retirees and business owners.

The climate of Groom is semi-arid, with large differences in temperature between daytime and nighttime. The summer season averages around 108degF with lows around ninety degrees. However, the area also receives considerable snowfall, reaching up to forty inches a year. In addition, Groom is located in Tornado Alley, meaning that the city has a high risk of Tornadoes. You can learn more about the potential hazards of tornadoes in Groom by visiting the town's website.