Howardwick, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You've probably seen the population and steets of Howardwick City in the news or in a local newspaper - but do you know what the statistics tell you about the town? Here are some statistics for you to consider. The population of Howardwick is 6,261 people, compared to the 102,579 in nearby Childress. Howardwick is a suburban community in New Jersey.

There are more single people in Howardwick than in most other towns. About 63% of the population lives in households. Howardwick has a much lower percentage of single people than Clarendon, with a family size only three-fourths the size of the national average. But it isn't just the numbers that make this town unique. Listed below are some interesting facts about Howardwick's population.

The population of Howardwick is predominantly White, with a percentage of Hispanics at 7.51%. Another important stat is that there are only five foreign-born residents. While this is significantly lower than the national average of 13.7%, this percentage is still growing. This isn't surprising considering that Howardwick is home to many immigrants, especially from Central and Eastern Europe. The city's low percentage of immigrants makes it an excellent place to raise a family and make a lifelong home.

According to the 2010 Census, only 12.8% of Howardwick's residents are foreign-born. Of these people, none were born in the city. The rest of the city's residents are either native-born or have immigrant backgrounds. The percentage of foreign-born residents in Howardwick is lower than that of its neighbors. Compared to the state average, Howardwick's is only one-tenth the size of Lefors.