Jayton, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to find out the Population & Steets in Jautton City, Texas? Then you've come to the right place! This article contains useful statistics for the city and surrounding area. The data will show you the number of people living in Jayton City, as well as how old they are. This information is especially useful for employment-related research and retirement planning. The population of Jayton City is comprised of three main age groups: the youngest residents are under the age of 20; the oldest are sixty-nine and over.

The population of Jayton is higher than that of Texas. However, it is not as dense as the city of Austin or Houston. A population density map does not show the number of crimes per 1,000 people. Regardless of whether it's a city or an area, people in Jayton live in neighborhoods where crime rates are lower than in those areas. It's also helpful to know where crime is concentrated, because crime tends to cluster in certain areas.

Jayton is a diverse city, with a large number of foreign-born residents. It has a low percentage of Native-born residents and a low proportion of Hispanic citizens. In terms of racial composition, Jayton has the lowest percentage of Native Americans and second-smallest percentage of Hispanics. If you want to learn about the population, Jayton has you covered!