Lake Jackson, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering about the demographics of the city of Lake Jackson, Texas. The following table shows you the percentages of different racial and ethnic groups in the city. These figures are based on a survey of citizens, and are indicative of the overall community's diversity. In the chart below, you'll see that the city ranks #1 in terms of the percentage of Black and Hispanic residents, and #8 for the percentage of Native and Hawaiian.

The majority of residents in Lake Jackson City commute to work alone. This percentage is considerably higher than the national average of 64.1%, and even higher than the average of neighboring geographies. Additionally, workers in Lake Jackson, TX have shorter commute times than most Americans. Just over two-thirds of the population in this city commutes by car. The median household income in Lake Jackson is $72,645, compared to the national average of $53,482 for all residents.

Residents of the city of Lake Jackson enjoy the convenience of a quick commute to the city center. The town has a thriving economy and is part of the National Arbor Day Foundation's Tree City USA list. The town's streets are curving, and many of them follow the Oyster Creek, which winds through the city. A few other benefits of living in Lake Jackson include a lower cost of living and high appreciation rates.