Marietta, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When determining population, a few important factors need to be considered. Marietta's population is comprised of a combination of White people, African Americans, and Hispanics. During the twentieth century, the number of Hispanic residents increased, but remained below the poverty line in Marietta. The city's population has increased by 33 percent since the 1990s. Black and Hispanic residents account for the largest share of the population.

In Marietta, GA, median property values are $287,600, 1.2 times higher than the national average of $240,500. The city has a high school graduation rate of 59.6% and has a lower rate of high school dropouts. Both the Marietta City School District and Cobb County School District are primary school districts, and private schools are also present. There are nine public schools, four elementary and three middle, and two high schools.

In the mid-1840s, Marietta had more than 1,500 residents. The mild climate and the alleged healing powers of the water in nearby springs were drawing people from the "low country" to Marietta. In 1845, the Western & Atlantic Railroad began its runs in Marietta. The railroad opened a ready market for farmers and cut the cost of conveying merchandise. The town incorporated in 1852. The residents once described Marietta as a carefree, fun-loving town.

The city's gerrymandered ward map was challenged in federal district court in 1975. In the case of Grogan v. Hunter, local civil rights activists argued that the ward map reduced Black voting power. As a result, Hugh Grogan became the first African American to win a seat on Marietta city council. The city's population and school district have remained stable since.