Matador, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Matadore City are important economic indicators. There are approximately 605 people residing in the city. The median household income is $30,903. The percentage of people living below the poverty line is 10.5%. However, it's important to note that the population of Matador City is increasing. Here's a look at how Matador compares with other communities in the area.

As of 2018, Matador, TX has a total of 100% US citizens. That percentage increased from 3.85% the year before. This percentage was higher than the state's average and its parent cities. This is indicative of a more even distribution of income. The following chart shows the percentage of residents in Matador, TX who fall within various income levels. The table below shows the breakdown of Matador by occupation, with data tagged to the residential address.

The Matador area is home to a high number of earthquakes. This is significantly higher than the Texas state average, and it's nearly 506% higher than the national average. However, it is not as prone to natural disasters as other areas of the country. This place has a higher median age than the state average and the median length of stay is higher than the state average. There is also an interesting historical fact about Matador.

The population of Matador, Texas is under 2,500 people. The city is located in the Central Time Zone and is outside the metro area. The fastest internet speed in Matador is 49 Mbps, while the average wired connection speed is 0 Mbps. If you have an internet connection in Matador, you can access the city's city hall through their official website. You can also visit the city hall in Matador by phone to get service from a local government official.