Mertzon, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on Population & Steets in MerTzon City, TX, you've come to the right place. MerTzon is a small, local city with a growing middle class. Its population is approximately 74% families, making it one of the largest cities in the locality. Its median age is 37 years old. Approximately 95.7 males live in every 100 females.

The percentage of single women in Mertzon City is 8.2%. This is less than the national average of 10.6%, and one-third of the U.S. population is divorced. In Mertzon, 9.9% of civilians are veterans. In Texas, the figure is 7.2%. In Mertzon, there are fewer than 100 military veterans living in the city. In Mertzon, however, there are many homeless people and many elderly residents.

According to the United States Census, the population of Mertzon City, TX was 924 at the end of 2019. Its median household income was $46,389 in 2019. The city's demographics are composed of 63.5 percent white residents and 12.3% African Americans. The remaining two percent were Hispanic, while the other two percent identified as Two+ or Asian. Moreover, 99.2% of Mertzon's residents are U.S. citizens.

Mertzon is located in west-central Texas, approximately 200 miles from San Antonio. Its climate is warm during October and April. The wettest months are July and August. In Mertzon, a median property value of $110,000 is comparable to the national average. Residents drive their cars to work alone. The median household size is two cars. So, it's a great place to live and visit!