Mt Vernon, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for Population & Steets in Mnt Vernon City, Missouri, then you have come to the right place. Here you will find the latest statistics of Mt Vernon's population. This city was incorporated on April 1, 1892, but its future is still uncertain. Mount Vernon's population is a mixture of whites and blacks, and is forty percent white with an eight percent Hispanic population. There are also a lot of minority people living in the city, making up a majority of the school population.

The population of Mount Vernon is 40.1 percent foreign-born and sixty-one percent native-born. The average age of Mount Vernon, NY residents is 38 years old. The city is a major military community, and has a high number of veterans and war veterans. In addition to the native-born population, the city's foreign-born population is also larger than the US average. And as for the residents of Mt Vernon, NY, many are immigrants.

The population of Mount Vernon is around seventy-two thousand. The city is located in the northern region of New York. It is a suburb of New York City and is the second-most densely populated city in the state. It is also part of the New York City metropolitan area, and has excellent transportation infrastructure. You can travel to the rest of New York City via bus, train, or subway.