Olmito, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will give you an overview of the Population & Steets in Olmisso City. The number of crime cases per 1000 residents in the city is a good indication of the overall safety of Olmito. It is important to know that crime rates in some neighborhoods are higher than others. You should also consider the number of retail establishments in Olmito City, as these are places where many crimes occur.

The population of Olmito is 948 people. The median household income is $21,027). The poverty rate in Olmito is 5.5%. The median property value is $89,800. The homeownership rate is 49.2%. Most Olmito residents commute alone to work. Their commute time is on average 18 minutes. The median number of cars per household is three. This is a good indicator for the quality of life of the community.

The racial composition of Olmito City was low in 2016. In contrast, the city has a higher than average rent burden. Olmito's rent burden is higher than the state average of 29.3%. Other nearby cities, such as Bishop, Tivoli, and San Angelo, have lower rent burdens than Olmito. This is a good indicator for determining the affordability of housing in Olmito. The median household income in Olmito is $4,600.