Penelope, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Penelope is a small city in Texas. You can find out more about the city by visiting its town hall. You can find out about the town's services and the hours it is open for business. The Penelope city website also offers a list of useful links, such as its official phone number. You can also get directions to Penelope City. Once you have reached the town hall, you can find out about the latest developments in the city.

The ZIP code for Penelope is 76676. The city's population is estimated to be 4,560 in 2020. This Texas city has a low percentage of foreign-born residents and is characterized by a moderate climate. Temperatures in Penelope remain below 50Fdeg for 74 days a year, and the average temperature in the city is approximately 73 degrees Fahrenheit.

The population of Penelope is mainly white, with just under a third of its residents being Hispanic. The area has a high percentage of Hispanic residents, which is significantly higher than the national average. The ratio of males to females is roughly three-fourths, which makes it a safe bet that Penelope is more Hispanic than average.

The crime rate in Penelope is lower than the national average, with fewer crimes per 1,000 residents. Although the city is home to a small percentage of Penelope residents, crime statistics make it possible to protect your home against robbers. Penelope is considered safe, though there are areas where crime is higher, such as the southeast part of the city.