Pep, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering visiting Pep City, New Mexico, you may want to know the population and steets of the town. You can find out the details about this small town by reading below. There are also several towns close to Pep, NM, which you may find interesting. Try a quick search for nearby cities to get a better idea of the local community. You can also search for cities within 100 miles of Pep, NM to plan your trip.

PEP estimates the population of communities using ACS data. This data is updated every five years and is based on the 2010 Census. In Pep City, the most recent ACS data is available for 2015. The older three-year versions are no longer available. Instead, researchers should use the Population Estimates Program (PEP) to obtain the latest data. It is the most reliable source of demographic data and is frequently used in research.