Pilot Point, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Pilot Point, TX is fast-growing. Since 1990, the population of Pilot Point has grown by 33%. The average age of Pilot Point residents is 41. The median age is also higher among foreign-born citizens, who are 48 years old on average. According to the most recent figures, the majority of Pilot Point, TX residents are born in Mexico, compared to 38.6% of native-born citizens.

The median property value in Pilot Point, TX is $142,900, and the homeownership rate is 55.3%. This is less than the national average of 64.9%. In Pilot Point, TX, most people commute by car. In fact, the median number of cars per household is two. Compared to the national average, the population of Pilot Point, TX is about 25 percent Hispanic.

The city's historical tornado activity is 148% higher than the state average. The town's location on State Highway 377 provides easy access to Denton, McKinney, and Frisco. Nearby U.S. Interstate 35 and the Dallas North Tollway direct travelers to Dallas. These are the main ways to get around Pilot Point. Once you've arrived, explore the city's history.

A report may compare the demographics of Pilot Point City with the general population in Los Angeles. It may also compare gender patterns and race and age. This analysis was conducted using the convenience sampling method. While the report provides non-gendered data, it can't guarantee that the information is accurate or complete. The data is subject to change and should not be relied upon for any specific purpose. So, don't be discouraged if the data is not updated regularly!