Port Lavaca, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The USPS designated ZIP code for Port Lavaca is 75601. This city falls within the Calhoun County, Texas area. The city has a population of 4,5,699 people, according to the 2010 census. The city is located in the Port Lavaca Division of Calhoun County. The city is home to several universities and is part of the La Vaca School District.

According to the most recent census figures, the city's population was 11,671 people in 1992. In the same year, another source put the population at 500. It was estimated that the city had two hotels and a weekly newspaper. The city's economy gradually shifted away from cattle shipping to include seafood shipping. The city was also popular with sportsmen, who came to enjoy fishing in the nearby rivers and lakes.

During the Civil War, the town became a major port with numerous garrisons stationed here. The town had a large Confederate arsenal and small-arms factory. It was protected by two waterfront batteries. The city's port was hit by a hurricane in 1873, but the town was able to hold out against it by building an underwater mine designed by Capt. Edgar Collins Singer.

The population of Port Lavaca was 12,248 at the 2010 census. The city is located on the Gulf Coast, 130 miles southwest of Houston. It is the county seat of Calhoun County. The city is home to the Port Lavaca Bay and is part of the Victoria, Texas Metropolitan Statistical Area. You can visit Port Lavaca City by car, plane, or boat.