Quanah, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the Population & Steets in Quanah City, then you have come to the right place. Quanah City has a population of 684 people per square mile, making it the third most populated city in its surrounding area. The next two closest cities, Chillicothe and Olustee, each have a population density of 875 people per square mile.

Rent burden is an indicator of the cost of rental housing in a city. It indicates the percentage of income a household spends on housing. The rent burden in Quanah is higher than 29.3% statewide, while neighboring cities Hedley and Olustee have a rent burden of 30.1% and 27.8%, respectively. Quanah's rent burden is higher than the national average of 29.3%, but is slightly lower than neighboring cities Hedley and Olustee, where rent burden is lower. It is also notable that 28.1% of housing units in Quanah are occupied by renters (2016).

The median age for residents of Quanah, Texas was 45.8 in 2019, which is slightly older than the 42-year-old median for both natives and foreign-born residents. This trend is similar to the state-level average, with Quanah residents getting older each year. In contrast, the average age of all Texas residents was 42 in 2018. The most common foreign-born residents of Quanah, TX were born in Mexico, India, and El Salvador.