Robstown, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to the city of Robstown, Texas, the numbers speak for themselves. This city has a higher percentage of single people than the rest of Texas. As for the other statistics, Robstown has a higher percentage of poor people than average. The average racial mix in the city is White, Hispanic, and Other. Whether you're wondering what the average income is in Robstown, there are a few things to keep in mind.

One way to see Robstown's violent crime rate is to compare it to surrounding areas. Robstown has a higher violent crime rate than its neighbors, but is lower than the Texas average and the national average. It's important to note that while the city's violent crime rate may appear higher, it's not necessarily more dangerous. Crime happens everywhere, so comparing cities by violent crime rates may be an ideal way to determine where your home is.

Robstown has a low percentage of foreign-born residents, but its population of American citizens is high. Its percentage of citizens who were born outside the US is 16.8%. Robstown has a large population of veterans who served during the Vietnam War. However, the town's population is still relatively small in comparison to some of the largest cities in the nation. Fortunately, this is the only negative factor.