Rotan, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering what the population & steets in Rotan City are, read on. It will give you a quick overview of the demographics of this city. It's important to note that the population of Rotan City, TX, is comprised of a diverse group of people. A large number of residents are single, and there is a low unemployment rate of 2.3% among those in the labor force. Another important statistic to consider is Rotan's poverty rate. The median household income in Rotan is $34,539.

The population of Rotan is approximately 1,418 people, with a decline of 5.3% from the previous decade. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of single people living in Rotan is increasing. However, the percentage of families is declining. In addition, the population is decreasing as it ages, and the median home price is $73,900. The average home appreciation in Rotan over the past ten years has been 4.9%.

The percentage of households paying rent in Rotan is lower than that in neighboring cities. Rotan's rent burden is less than 29.3%, while neighboring cities, including Cisco and Winters, have lower rent burdens. Moreover, 42.1% of Rotan's housing units are occupied by renters. These numbers are indicative of the affordability of housing in Rotan. A good way to find out if you can afford rent in Rotan, TX, is to conduct a census.