Salineno, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can find out how many people live in Salineno City by looking at the population and steets of the city. You can also learn about other places near Salineno, TX by browsing the list of nearby cities. These places are usually within 72 miles of Salineno City. You can use these lists to plan a trip to these places. You can also use the list to find out how far you can travel from Salineno, TX.

Violent crime is a big problem in Salineno North. Fortunately, the city is relatively safe, but it is higher than the national average for this metric. Salineno North has a violent crime rate of 7.77 crimes per 1,000 residents in a standard year. While this is higher than the national average, it still ranks well compared to other cities in the same size.

If you're looking for a fast internet connection, DSL might be a good option for you. Although DSL coverage varies by distance, DSL can offer sufficient speed for most households. Satellite TV service, for example, can be useful for those who don't need the speed of DSL. If you need more bandwidth than what you can get from DSL, you should look into satellite TV.