San Felipe, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in SanFelipe City - What's the population of San Felipe? This Mexican town is the fourth most populous in Mexicali Municipality with a population of 17,143 people. The city is located at an altitude of 10 meters and has a low crime rate. Thirty percent of the population has at least secondary education and 39% of households have access to a personal computer.

The average travel time from home to place of study was 13.6 minutes. This means that more than ninety percent of the population takes less than an hour to get to work or school. The other two percent of the population takes more than an hour to travel to work or school. The data displayed in the graph are preliminary, but are expected to be verified within the next seven days. The selector at the top of the visualization allows you to see the evolution of death rates by COVID-19, by day, or by the seven-day rolling mean. You can also view the number of deaths by comorbidity in San Felipe, by displaying all of the deceased.

In the same way, San Felipe has a unique geographic feature. This city is surrounded by mountains, but has a flat portion on its eastern side that makes it an ideal location for residential and commercial development. In the western part, a small plateau runs parallel to the South China Sea, allowing the city to grow without much difficulty. During the 1960s, San Felipe's population grew to a million people.