San Isidro, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to demographics, San Isidro City is home to 32,421 registered voters, with 15,654 males and 16,767 females. The city is located on Luzon Island at 15deg 19' north, 120deg 54' east. It has an average elevation of 24.4 meters, or about 79.9 feet above sea level.

The median income for households in San Isidro is $18,750, with a median family income of $20,313 per household. Per capita income is $8,965. Among those living below the poverty line, 42.3% are white, while 35.9% are Hispanic. The majority of people in San Isidro work in the Transportation Occupations, Office & Administrative Support Occupations, and Construction & Extraction Occupations.

According to the United States Census, 97.1% of residents of San Isidro are U.S. citizens. The median property value is $19,700. The city's homeownership rate is 95.7%, higher than the national average. San Isidro residents commute for 19.7 minutes on average, which is slightly higher than the national average. Three cars per household are common.

The municipality is dotted with rivers. The Sampilangon River runs through the eastern part of the city. Ugay River connects the Sampilangon River in barangay Caimbang. Magdahunog River is located in the western part of the city, and connects to the Tabuan River in Antequera.