Santa Rosa, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get an idea of how much people make in Santa Rosa, you may want to know the city's population and street numbers. The following table shows you Santa Rosa's population and street numbers. Using Census data, you can find out whether you live below the poverty line. You will also find out what percentage of Santa Rosa residents own a car. In Santa Rosa, the majority of households own a car.

This small city is about 40 miles north of San Francisco. The weather is relatively pleasant. June, July, and August are the three most comfortable months. December is coldest, with cold temperatures. Fortunately, Santa Rosa's average temperature is around fifty-five degrees, making it a pleasant place to live. For a more accurate comparison of Santa Rosa's population and street statistics, check out the city's official website.

Located in the heart of downtown Santa Rosa, the historic Empire Building and the Old Courthouse Square are both important landmarks. The Empire Building, completed in 1910, is an iconic building of Santa Rosa. The Empire Building also featured prominently in Alfred Hitchcock's Shadow of a Doubt. After World War II, Santa Rosa expanded even further. Its proximity to the Russian River made it convenient for sailors. In fact, the city's population increased by two-thirds between 1950 and 1970. Immigration and annexation increased its number by more than 1,000 people per year.

In 1850, the Bitakomtara tribe lived in the area before European settlers arrived. In the mid-1850s, prominent locals laid out the city's grid-style streets with a central public square. This pattern still prevails today. The central public square is now known as Old Courthouse Square. The city's streets are the most popular spots for locals and tourists alike.