Sheppard Afb, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Shepped Afb City, Texas? This article will answer all of your questions. You'll find out how many people live there and how many businesses are located there. Also, you'll discover the median age of residents, which is 20.6 years. Whether you live in Sheppard Afb or just want to visit, you'll find that there are plenty of apartments available to rent in the area.

Renting a home in Sheppard Afb is an excellent choice if you're looking for more space than a one or two-bedroom unit. These homes typically come with a master suite and garages. Residents enjoy the amenities that come with Sheppard Afb homes, including a pool, tennis courts, and playgrounds. Nearby towns and cities are also full of other local gems.

The population of Sheppard Afb is about 27,972 according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Sixty-two percent of residents are high school graduates, while 13 percent of residents have some college education. One-third of residents have a Bachelor's Degree, and five percent have a Graduate Degree. Although this is an impressive number, the low percentage of residents who are college educated may not be the best fit for this community.

If you are interested in staying on Sheppard Afb, you should check out the household goods and transportation office. To get a pass or ID for Sheppard Air Force Base, you should have a DoD or Federal-issued ID. A permanent party member arriving during duty hours should report to the Commander's Support Staff. If you are planning to stay on Sheppard Afb, make sure to check out the MyBaseGuide and the Department of Defense Lodging website for additional lodging options.