Skellytown, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Skedlytown City? The following information will give you an overview of the current population of Skellytown City. It's important to note that some addresses may have more than one eviction case during any given year. In fact, you might even notice a significant decrease in evictions in Skellytown City compared to neighboring cities.

Skellytown City, Texas is home to 349 people of voting age. Of this total, 49.9% are male and 50.1% are female. The median household income in Skellytown is $54,688. The poverty rate is 6.61%. This is significantly lower than the national average, which is around 16%. It is also important to note that only a small percentage of residents live below the poverty line, at approximately 33.9% of residents are below that amount.

Skellytown's crime rate varies depending on where you live. Some neighborhoods are safer than others, with fewer crimes per resident. However, a crime rate in a residential neighborhood may seem high if there is a lot of crime in a small area. Consequently, it's better to live farther from major parks and airports to be on the safe side.