Spur, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a brief overview of the Population & Steets in Spur, Texas. The population of Spur is approximately 1,157 people. The median household income is around $29,875. The city has a low poverty rate, which means that most residents make enough money to live comfortably. The median home value is $54,300, and the median home appreciation in the last 10 years is 5.0%.

For people looking to build a tiny house, Spur, Texas is a great place to live. The population of this town is around a thousand, and it's easy to see why. The average home price is about 35K to 45K, and the smallest home is only 83 square feet. Spur was one of the first cities in the country to build tiny houses, and it's paying off for the town. It's a great place to downsize and start a small business, and it's a great way to meet new people and build community.

The percentage of households in Spur, TX that live below the federal poverty line is higher than the national average of 63.4%, but lower than the parent and neighboring geographies. In 2019, 29.1% of people in Spur, TX drove alone to work, while 16.4% carpooled, and 8.71 percent used some other means to get to work. In this chart, the number of households using each mode of transportation over the last year is represented in logarithmic scale on the y-axis.