Staples, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets in St.aples City, Minnesota. These numbers are from the United States Census Bureau. You can find out the total number of people living in the city by searching the city's name. The Staples city government website also provides a map of the area. You can also view detailed crime statistics by browsing through Staples city data.

The median home value in Staples, MN is $90,500, a decline of 0.673% between 2018 and 2019. In 2019, the wage distribution was more equal in Staples. The city has a 68.6% homeownership rate. The average commute time is about twenty-eight minutes. Home prices have appreciated 10.4% in the past ten years. You'll find plenty of entertainment in Staples.

The median income for households in Staples, MN was $45,152. This figure is lower than the national average and is equated to $88,300 for a family of four. The city has a mixed population: White, Black, and Native American. In terms of race, Staples residents are mostly White. A significant percentage of the population also report being Hispanic.

In terms of age, Staples City residents are primarily middle aged. A quarter of the population is under 18, whereas half of the residents are between 18 and 24. Almost forty-one percent of the city's population is aged 45-64. The remaining population is primarily composed of individuals and senior citizens. In terms of gender makeup, there are approximately seventy-four percent females and sixty-one percent males.