Stowell, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you find out the Population & Steets in Stowel City. The data is updated regularly, so be sure to check back often for any updates. You can use this page to look up nearby cities and find out more about the people and places in those areas. You can even find out how many people live in each city near Stowell. Alternatively, you can see a list of cities around Stowell that are within 100 miles of this city.

Crime in Stowell is lower than in other cities. Crime per capita is 34 and a D+ grade means crime rates are slightly higher. A red area in the crime map does not mean that a neighborhood is more unsafe, but it does indicate that there are a lot of crimes happening in that area. If you live near a park or major airport, the crime rate will be higher than in other areas of town. However, crime rates are not always indicative of safety.

The Stowell area is a large city complex located 50 miles from the Gulf Coast. The climate in the city is mild throughout the year, with August being the warmest and most comfortable. The Houston metro area is the fourth largest in the United States and contains ten counties spread out 50 miles in all directions. Stowell's population is 1,631; however, the number of residents has decreased by 13.0% since the year 2020. It takes 27.8 minutes to commute to work, which is higher than the national average.