Strawn, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for information about the Population & Steets in Strawer City? Look no further! CensusViewer is the perfect place to find quick facts about the city. Get quick facts about the people and locations that make Strawn City so unique! Also, learn more about the economy of Strawn City with our community profile! Here, you'll find demographic data, quick facts, and much more.

The population of Strawn was 671 at the 2010 census and is expected to reach 689 by the end of 2020. This makes it the 908th largest city in Texas and the 11947th largest city in the United States. During the last census, the city's population has decreased 9.4%. As a result, 68% of similarly-sized cities are growing faster than Strawn.

The population of Strawn is 479 residents of voting age. The majority of them are male, with 53.2% of the population being over the age of 65. The percentage of residents who are in the labor force is 46.8%. The median education level is high, with 72.2% of residents claiming to have a high school education. Only 10.8% of residents hold a bachelor's degree, while 2.4% are government employees.