Streetman, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What Are the Population & Steets of Streetman City? There are currently 247 people living in Streetman City. That's a slight increase from last year, but still higher than the national average. The median home value in Streetman is $277,300, and over the last ten years, homes in the area have appreciated by 6.0%. For more information on Streetman, Texas, visit its official website.

In terms of population density, Streetman ranks mid-range for the region, with an average of 323 people per square mile. In contrast, the city of Wortham has a density of 654 people per square mile. This means that Streetman is a little smaller than Wortham, but still has a significant amount of people. If you're considering moving to Streetman, it's worth taking a look at the population density in Streetman to determine where you want to settle.

According to the 2000 census, Streetman has the second-highest percentage of non-citizens (25.4%). In contrast to Wortham, Streetman is ranked #2 among cities in Texas. The other large cities in the area are Wortham, Austin, and San Antonio. You can view the Streetman city's population and steets in the following table:

Violent crime rates in Streetman City are not comparable to those in other cities. The Northeast area of Streetman has more retail establishments, so the violent crime rate per resident seems to be inflated in the area. But it doesn't mean that the crime rate in the northeast is a high risk for the residents of Streetman. The northeast portion of the city is the safest, while the southwest and northwest parts of the city are the worst places for crime.