Sunrise Beach, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Sunrise Beach is located in the state of Missouri. If you're interested in learning more about the city, then you can visit its city hall. It's located at the address given above. You can also contact the city's customer service representatives by phone or email. There are two banks in the city: Bank of Versailles and Oakstar Bank. Both have one branch in the city.

The city of Sunrise Beach, MO is home to 408 residents. The majority of residents (98.5%) were born in the United States, while the percentage of people who were born in other countries was just 2.45%. The median household income in Sunrise Beach, MO was $41,103 in 2020, a decrease of 1.7 percentage points from the previous year. In terms of race and ethnicity, the majority of people living in Sunrise Beach, MO are White (non-Hispanic), followed by Black or African American (0.98%), and Asian (0.14%).

Sunrise Beach, MO has a high percentage of home ownership. The percentage of households that own a home is higher than the national average at 68.7%, and it is higher than the average of neighboring geographies. The median property value in Sunrise Beach, MO was $114,700 in 2020. Moreover, 77.7% of households in Sunrise Beach, MO are homeowners. The average commute time was 18.9 minutes, and most people had two cars.

Crime rates in Sunrise Beach are generally higher than in neighboring cities, but they're still lower than the national average. The southeast area has 125 crimes a year, while the northeast has thirteen.