Texas City, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are searching for information about the population and steets of Texas City, you may want to know the demographics of the city. Texas City is located in Galveston County, Texas. It is a deep-water port on the Gulf Coast and a major petrochemical and petroleum refining hub. The city maintains its natural attractions, which make it a great place to live.

The city's median family income in 2010 was $42,393. The median household income for males was $36,463 while that of females was $24,754. The median age for residents was 36 years old, and there were 89.4 males for every 100 females. The median home value in 2010 was $420,000, and the median rent was $1,396. This is an affordable city to live in and has a thriving economy.

After the war, the economy of the city recovered. The construction of the Pan American Oil Refinery in 1933 increased industrialization. In addition, the city's channel was deepened to accommodate the increased port usage. At the time, unemployment was low, and there were jobs available for most of the men in the community. The community prospered through the Great Depression and built up its industrial base. It also continued to grow after the war.

The most popular neighborhoods in the city are the inner core and within walking distance of downtown. The cities have a high percentage of white residents, and the Black population is barely growing. The majority of mayors in the city are white guys. The most recent mayor of Houston is a gay woman. The county judge of Houston is a thirty-year-old Latin immigrant who dresses up like obscure Star Wars characters.