Waelder, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will provide you with a general overview of the population and steets of Waelder City. The majority of residents of Waelder are employed in agriculture. Although there are other professions in the area, these are the most common ones. In Waelder, there are 573 residents. The median annual income is $41,250, which is less than the $65,712 state-wide average.

The population of Waelder is 1065, with a density of 1.061 persons per square mile. The median age is 34.9, which is lower than the US average of 37.4 years. The median house value is $160,900, and the median household size is 4.0. The median home appreciation over the last ten years has been 7.4%. There are no schools in Waelder.

Crime rates are calculated as the number of crimes committed in the city per 1,000 residents in a typical year. The city's crime rates are lower than the average for nearby communities, making it safer than the Texas state average. But crime rates can still be high, even in areas that are considered relatively safe. And as a rule of thumb, crime rates in safe neighborhoods are lower than those in unsafe areas.

The median age of the residents of Waelder, TX is 41.4%, which is higher than the national average of 64.1 percent. The majority of residents are white, although there are some people who identify as other races. The second most common racial group is Hispanic, and a small percentage of people are non-citizens. This means that there is a high percentage of Vietnam veterans in the city.