Whitsett, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Have you ever wondered what the Population & Steets of Whitsett City, NC are? Here are some facts to get you started. The population of Whitsett City, NC is 5,728. Unlike other communities, Whitsett is relatively safe for most people, with fewer crimes than nearby Chatham and Fieldale. Regardless of what area of Whitsett you are in, you can use our interactive map to get to know the city better.

The city of Whitsett, NC is home to around seven hundred and thirty-two residents. The median property value in Whitsett was $183,900 in 2019. The city has an 81.1% homeownership rate, and most residents drive alone to work. The average commute time was 20.3 minutes, and households owned an average of two cars. The city is home to seven hundred thirty-two residents.

The median age of residents in Whitsett, NC was 48.8 years old in 2019. Native-born residents were 48, 59, and 45, respectively. Foreign-born residents were slightly older. The average age of a Whitsett, NC resident was 43. The top two foreign-born birthplaces in Whitsett, NC were Mexico and India, with a combined population of 229,947 residents. Those born in Honduras comprised 36,544 residents.

In the city of Whitsett, the violent crime rate per thousand residents varies widely, from one in four47 to one in nine hundred three. It's not intuitive to compare crime rates, but the map that follows shows a simple count. The map closely resembles the population map of the state. In Whitsett, violent crime occurs more in the north part of the city and less in the south.