Cedar Hills, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Crime Statistics for Cedar Hills, Utah show that the city has a higher crime rate than surrounding cities, but it is not as high as the Utah average. The table below compares Cedar Hills to nearby cities. Crime is not necessarily more dangerous in Cedar Hills than in other cities, though. Crime rates in other cities tend to be higher than in Cedar Hills, so the table above may not necessarily be a good indicator of the safety of your neighborhood.

The Cedar Hill city population is similar to the State's, with about one-third of residents being youth or school-aged children. This makes Cedar Hill a major user of recreation facilities and programs. With these data, the City will be able to determine whether or not recreational opportunities are needed in the city. This data will help city leaders and planners determine how to best meet the needs of its citizens.

Residents in Cedar Hills City make up a diverse community. The majority of residents are White or African-American, with about 20% of residents belonging to a different race or ethnicity. The area is a family-friendly city, with approximately 70 percent of residents married and 51 percent having children under 18.