Central Valley, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What Are the Population & Steets of Central Valley City? Central Valley City is a thriving, rapidly-growing city in California's central valley. While its agricultural base is largely unchanged, most of the Valley's urban growth patterns are likely to depend on the type and amount of agriculture. While recent trends have led the Valley toward higher-value crops, competition from foreign markets is expected to remain fierce.

The Central Valley has long been a farming region, with nearly every community dependent on groundwater. Although many rivers flow through the area, most communities rely on one or more sources of water. The Sacramento Delta drainage system flows into the San Joaquin River and the Sacramento River. The Delta water system is utilized in a variety of state and federal projects. In addition, Sacramento is the world's largest urban area, and a large portion of its growth is centered along the San Joaquin River.

The Sacramento Valley has traditionally lagged behind the rest of the state in many social and economic measures, with unemployment and teenage pregnancies among the highest in the state. However, the Sacramento area is rapidly growing, with racial diversity rising and the addition of a UC campus. The urban growth will continue to accelerate, but its economic competitiveness will not keep pace. For now, the Sacramento Valley is a unique, diverse mix of racial, ethnic and economic demographics.