Duck Creek Village, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Duck Creek Village City? This information is helpful for planning your trip and getting a feel for the community. You can also find out about cities near Duck Creek Village, UT that are 100 miles away. The list below will give you a rough idea of the population of these cities. You can also find out what other towns are like by using the map below.

Crime rates in Duck Creek Village City are low when compared to the national average. Crime rates are high in the east and lower in the north. The rate of crime may seem high when you visit, but keep in mind that many crimes happen in retail areas. It may appear that a red area is more dangerous for residents, but there's no reason to be alarmed. You can't know for sure.

Besides living at a high elevation, Duck Creek Village also offers many outdoor recreational opportunities. The city's climate is perfect for hiking and winter sports. Its convenient location along U-14 makes it a popular destination for vacationers. Besides outdoor activities, the town offers plenty of dining and lodging options. Despite its small size, it still offers excellent service and amenities. There are several neighborhoods in Duck Creek Village, including the quaint and charming downtown.