Dugway, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Duggedy City is an easy way to find out the average size of a neighborhood. This article will give you the latest information on the population of this Utah city. You can also find out what type of crime is most prevalent in Dugway. The crime rate for this area is below average. Although this area has a low crime rate, the crime rate per capita is inflated.

The most common job groups in Dugway are Business & Financial Operations, Office & Administrative Support, and Law Enforcement Workers Including Supervisors. Employment in Dugway, UT grew 30.9% from 2018 to 2019.

The city's population is made up of approximately 2,000 people, a majority of whom identify as white or African American. One-fifth of the population is American Indian or Alaska Native. Less than one percent is Asian or Pacific Islander. The remaining population is composed of 17.8% Hispanic and 2.6% of residents have other race ancestry. Dugway is a curious combination of fact and fiction.

The Population & Steets in Duggedway City is a key factor to consider when deciding where to buy a house. Dugway is located in Tooele county, Utah, in the U.S. state. For more information on Dugway and the surrounding area, visit the city's official website. Once there, be sure to look for a map of the community and see where the population and steets are.