Dutch John, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for a quick overview of the population and steets in Dutch John City, Utah, this article can help. Listed below are important statistics about the city's residents. The first statistic is the median annual income. This figure compares Dutch John, UT to the national median. For example, the median annual income for a family in Dutch John, UT is $83,750. This is significantly higher than the national median of $65,712.

The next thing you should know about Dutch John, UT is the surrounding cities. There are 129 cities within one hundred miles of Dutch John, UT. This list can help you plan your trip or explore the area further. This information will also help you plan your trip to Dutch John, UT. If you're looking for larger cities, such as Salt Lake City or Provo, UT, you can search for flights to these nearby airports.

The United States Census Bureau lists the racial makeup of the residents of Dutch John as 61.2% white, 12.3% black, 0.7% American Indian, 5.4% Asian, and 2.6% Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander. A separate survey from 2016 also shows that 4% of Dutch John's 18+ civilian population is military. While there is not a lot of data available on the size of the military in Dutch John, the city's veterans make up a significant percentage of the population.