Henrieville, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering what the population and steets are in Henrieville City, Utah? If so, you've come to the right place. Here are some facts about the city. This population of 963 is the third-most-populous in Utah, while the average state is 49.6. For more information, you can also visit the town hall in Henrieville.

There are 224 people living in Henrieville, and the average commute time is 14.0 minutes. The median home cost is $136,600. The city is located about 35 miles northwest of Alton. If you're interested in learning more about the city's population and steets, take a look at the graph above. The graph above shows the population distribution in Henrieville City.

The median household income in Henrieville, UT is $72,922 per year, and the rate of homeownership is higher than the state average. This area is home to a high proportion of people who work in jobs that require a car. Aside from that, a significant number of workers live in homes with multiple vehicles. The median income for Henrieville, UT households is also higher than the national average, which is $63,078.

Henrieville, UT has a high percentage of Hispanics and a very low rate of White residents. The city has a low unemployment rate and a very low cost of living. A median property value of $111,400 is 0.463 times greater than the national average. Henrieville, UT has five car households per household. In addition to this, the average household has five cars.