Hill Air Force Base, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When searching for population data, it's important to keep in mind that there are many different neighborhoods within the city limits of Hill Air Force Base. The following table shows the percentage of the population of Hill Air Force Base by neighborhood. You can use this information to find out more about this city. In addition, you can see the zip code for Hill Air Force Base. This will give you an idea of what neighborhoods you can expect to find in this part of the state.

The 75th Air Base Wing (ABW) of the Air Force operates out of Hill AFB, and it provides support to the Ogden Air Logistics Complex and fifty or so mission partner organizations. Since 1981, the base has been home to the Hill Aerospace Museum, which features more than 80 retired, and former Warsaw Pact aircraft. You can also learn about the history of the U.S. military by visiting the Hill Air Force Base Museum, located within Hill AFB.

Since Hill Air Force Base is a major military facility, the city's population has fluctuated. In fact, the population of Hill Air Force Base has declined by 6% over the past year. This decline has led to a higher than normal number of crime in the area, and the population of homeless individuals is on the rise. Its location, relative to the nearby city of Ogden, is also a factor.