Levan, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Levan is comprised of approximately 16,390 people, of whom 81.3% are over the age of sixty-five, and 18.0% are under the age of thirty-five. Most people are White, although 8.0% of the population is Hispanic. The median household income is $53,173, and 63.9% of Levan's households have a broadband Internet connection.

The population of 84639 is made up primarily of white people, with a very large percentage of households being headed by a married couple. A small percentage of households comprised a female householder without a husband. The number of individuals was also large, with twenty-four percent of households made up of lone adults. There were also a few households that had senior citizens living alone. The average household size is 2.60 people, with a slightly higher than average number of children under 18 living in the same household.