Myton, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be interested in knowing the Population & Steets of Myton City. This is an area that is located in Myton, Utah. The city is home to around 79,500 residents. There are many important statistics you should know about Myton, Utah. For example, the median age of the population of Myton is 33.8 years old. This figure is based on both native-born residents and those who were born abroad. Utah residents who were born abroad were most likely to have come from Mexico. Of the people in Myton, UT, the most common country of birth for these foreign-born residents was Mexico. Those who were born in India and Canada made up 8,662 of the population of Myton.

Myton is a city in Duchesne County, Utah. It was founded in 1905. It has a total area of 1.0 square mile. Myton is located on the south side of the Duchesne River, an east-flowing tributary of the Green River. Those living in Myton can enjoy a number of recreational and outdoor activities, including hiking and horseback riding.

The poverty rate in Myton, UT is 23.3%, higher than the state average of 9.15%. This means that life in Myton is worse than in many areas of Utah. However, there are still some positive indicators that show that the city's population will increase. The population is still growing, which means that more people are moving there. The poverty rate in Myton is higher than in other areas.