Santaquin, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Demographics can help you understand the demographic makeup of a city. Listed below are the population & steets of Santaquin City, California. For example, Santaquin is the most diverse city in California based on the percentage of residents who are 20 years old or younger. Santaquin also ranks first in the state for people aged 30 to 39 years. For those who want to see a more detailed breakdown of the community, check out Population & Steets in Santaquin City.

There are some areas of the city where the percentage of families is the highest. Rocky Ridge has the highest percentage of family households, accounting for 12.8% more than other parts of Santaquin City. About 86% of households in Santaquin are headed by a husband and wife. However, this doesn't mean that Santaquin isn't thriving economically. People in Santaquin City are passionate about their city and are willing to support the growth of the city.

Santaquin has a relatively low crime rate, which is a plus when it comes to the surrounding communities. It is also a safe city in the Provo metro area. Although there isn't much snow in the area, the city does receive a reasonable amount of snow annually. If you're considering moving to Santaquin, consider the demographics before you make a final decision.