Bomoseen, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Getting a general idea of the population and steets of Bomoseen, VT can be useful. However, if you have never visited this town before, it is best to learn about its surroundings before you set out on a road trip. Listed below is a list of nearby cities. These cities are located less than 4 hours away from Bomoseen, VT, but you can still take advantage of them if you are planning a road trip or just exploring the area.

When it comes to demographic data for a city, the population of Bomoseen is pretty much the same as that of any other city in Vermont. The average age of residents is 47 years old, with the average male householder having a degree of less than a bachelor's degree. The ratio of males to females can vary a bit, but the greater the percentage, the better.

Despite the small size of this town, it is home to a diverse group of people. As a matter of fact, the population of Bomoseen is primarily white, with a minority of Hispanic people. The median household income is $52,308. The average household size is two and a half people. The population of Bomoseen is predicted to increase by 2.3% over the next year. The gender ratio in Bomoseen, VT is 49.5% to 50.8%, which is not the highest in the country.